Pierce Lake – first of the season 2009

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADate: March 22, 2009                  Leader: No leader, just a casual  informal paddle
Body of Water: Pierce Lake Rock Cut State Park
Sunny, light winds. Air temp about 65 degrees while the water temp. was a tepid 38 degrees.
Present: Bob H., Jean B., Jeff R., Bill D., Ellie S., Kathy S., Wayne. S.

While this was not an organized trip, I thought I would put it in just to let people know we are on the water again. It all started when I brought the skin on frame boat built in the Paddle and Trail class for the other class members to paddle. I had won the boat in a among the class members, and taken it home and finished it off. We then started talking of paddling on Sun. and told all we saw to join us. Kathy brought some Bavarian cream filled dough nuts which I believe were home made. We paddled around the lake a couple of times and saw migrating loons, several types of ducks, herons, and the rarely sighted Canada goose. I was a very pleasant paddle and a great starter for the season. Bill and Jeff even managed to chase down and haul in a large motor boat which drifted off after the owner neglected to tie it to the dock.


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