Rock River Paddle, Oregon to Grand Detour

I am hosting a State Line Paddlers trip on the Rock from Oregon to Grand Detour on Sunday 8 November. This is the last trip of the year that I will host. The trip is about 11 miles.
Lunch stop is at Castle Rock State park, and if some want a shorter trip (about 5 miles), you can leave your vehicle there during the car shift.
Expect the water to be cold. Dress accordingly.
Weather prediction is cloudy, high of 70°F, winds s 12 mph with gusts to 24 mph. Warm, but windy. I hope the prediction holds. 70°F in November is rare.Plan on arriving by 09:45 to unload at East Park, Oregon , on the east side of the river just north RT 64 (about a 1/2 mile south of Lowden State Park) on River Road. Launch GPS coordinates 42° 1.037’N, 89° 19.520’W – Take out 41° 53.759’N – 89° 24.784’W.Car shift at 10:00. Masks and open windows for car shift are required do to COVID-19 rules.
The usual rules apply including but not limited to:
Participants provide their own suitable canoe or kayak, paddle(s), PFD/approved life jackets, and wear PFD on water
Minors must be accompanied by responsible adult
Adults must sign in, on waiver sheet
Hydration/drinking water BYO,
Lunch BYO
Dump bag – Dry bag w/change of clothing
Contact: State line paddlers e-mail list, Prairie State Canoeists e-mail list, e-mail to, The State Line Paddlers Face Book page, or my cell phone (815)441-2021
All members of State Line Paddlers, Prairie State Canoeists, Mad City Paddlers, and any others with at least minimum moving water skills are invited.
Harry T. (Tom) Meyen

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